I have such mixed emotions about my age. In most ways, I absolutely love it! It's great to stand back and see that we've done a tremendous job with our daughters. I'm delighted that both of our girls have been successful in previously male-dominated professions. It makes me even happier to look into the beaming faces of my grandchildren and see so much of their mothers. The influence of their fathers is also there, to be sure - but I'm speaking here as a parent and grandparent. I can finally stand back, take a deep breath and say "yes, thank you God, my life has been happy and successful." My grandchildren reach out to me and I hear a constant stream of "I love you GiGi" and my heart wants to jump right out of my body!
But with advancing age comes problems I'd much rather ignore. Mostly, I pay for the activities of my youth; with pain! It gives new meaning to the adage, "If I'd known I was going to live this long I would have taken much better care of myself." Multiply that times ten for me!
And in keeping with my "broken glass" theme, I've finally made an appointment with a new orthopedic doctor. I just want him to take a fresh look at my "healed" feet and tell me if there's anything he can do to increase my mobility without pain. Any small improvement would be great!
My feet limit my abilities somewhat, but so far, I think I'm doing just fine!